
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, lowGary Franchi rtr.org www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv November 22, 2011 Ron Paul is leading by a significant margin in Iowa, according to ...How To Register Republican to Vote for Ron Paul - Get Registered Now Click the Link Above Ron Paul is America's leading ..Fear mongering and sabre rattling were on full display as Republican presidential candidates bickered about national security at last night’s CNN debate.

Yes, there were warnings about evil Iran wanting to destroy Israel, rumblings over shady Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, loads of discussion about securing our borders from scary Mexicans and even a little mention of AIDS aid to Africa, which Rick Santorum callously equated not with human goodness, but national security.

“The work that we’ve done in stabilizing that area, while humanitarian in nature, was absolutely essential for our national security,” he said, because “Africa was a country on the brink.” (Country? Really?)

In the midst of all these topics came another controversial issue, the TSA, and how to improve it.After several public complaints from Ron Paul's presidential campaign and his supporters over lack of air time at debates, the Texas congressman received a higher percentage of speaking time at Tuesday's CNN presidential debate than in any recent contest this election cycle.
In the first hour of the GOP debate in South Carolina on Nov. 13., Paul received just 89 seconds to share his views on television. On Tuesday, he had 600. (CBS gave him more time to speak in the last half hour, when the debate switched to online-only.)

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