
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scott Dangerfield - American Idol 2012 (Season 11) Audition RECAP (Commentary Only)

Wal-Mart has launched an "American Idol"-like contest to find the best new products.

For the first time, the world's largest retailer is giving any small business, entrepreneur or individual inventor a shot at winning a spot on its store shelves nationwide and virtual shelf space through walmart.com. The contest is called "Get on the shelf."

Similar to the popular reality show "American Idol," Wal-Mart (WMT, Fortune 500) said contestants can enter any product category that it already has -- ranging from toys, electronics to clothing and household goods. They then can create and submit videos of their latest inventions at Eben Franckewitz audition recap - American Idol

2012 commentary video. American Idol's 11th season premieres tonight, beginning with auditions ...American Idol, which has more competition than ever these days for people's interest, enjoyed its 11th season premiere tonight—but did you enjoy it?American Idol Season 11 auditions to be held in St. Louis, Portland, San Diego, Pittsburgh, Charleston and Houston.This is my review/recap of David Leathers on American Idol Season 11 which debuts tonight only on FOX. No footage is shown, this is purely an ...

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